
What is YoBartender ?


YoBartender is a bartending/recipes/social networking app for your Android devices.  YoBartender allows you to search our database of over 9000 recipes by name, alcohol, ingredient, even garnishments and teaches you how to make that drink, how to garnish that drink and what is the proper glass to use when making that drink.  It gives you the ability to create, change, name and upload your own favorite recipes.  We, here at YoBartender, know how people like to create their own drink recipes, so why not share it with a like-minded audience.  


At this point you are probably asking yourself, what makes this app so special?  There are plenty of apps that allow you to do what we just described.  What makes YoBartender so special is the social networking aspect of this app.  Besides having a database of drink recipes, we also maintain a database of all registered bartenders.  No data other than a bartenders name is ever displayed and our app allows you to search for bartenders that are registered with YoBartender.   You can see all recipes of any bartender you subscribe to (follow).  You may see a recipe a bartender uploads on your most recent recipes screen and like what he/she has created.  You can “favorite” that recipe and subscribe to follow that bartender.  This allows you to see the entire list of that bartender’s uploaded recipes.  And best of all, you can communicate with that bartender through what we call our “Brews”.  Brews allows a bartender to post what is on his mind.  He/she may want to let other bartenders know where he/she is working that night, comment on an establishment he/she is frequenting, give props to other bartenders or just let other bartenders know what’s making him/her feel good at that time.


So get out there, download the app for free, get your friends and fellow bartenders to download the app and start getting creative.  Upload your recipes, find recipes and learn how to make your favorite drinks.  Follow your favorite bartenders and best of all, get that bartenders network rocking worldwide!  Learn what bartenders a half a world away are creating and serving.  Hear about places to visit in your travels and bartenders you should follow!